Improving Your Judgment 1 – Opening the Bidding

Improving Your Judgment 1 – Opening the Bidding
Brand: Audrey Grant
Product Code: Book
Availability: In Stock
Price: USD$11.95

Opening the bidding is an area of the game that provides many chances to improve your judgment and to think critically. The focus of this book is on the opening bid and how it impacts the entire auction. Chapter one considers opening in first and second position. The second looks at how things are significantly different in third and forth position. Chapter three looks at obstructive opening bids, designed to interfere with the opponents when they may have the balance of power. Finally, chapter four looks at strong opening bids and how to reach the best game when the hand belongs to your side. The Improving your Judgment series is designed to take players beyond the rote application of rules and to develop the skills needed to take your game to the next level.

Paperback; 166 pages; 2006

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